From iPhone 7 to iPhone 15 Pro

I can’t contain my excitement as I write this blog post! After seven years of loyal service, my trusty iPhone 7 is finally got a well-deserved retirement. And in its place? The shiny, brand-new iPhone 15 Pro! 📱✨

I was in Kyoto when Apple started taking orders for New Zealand. Since I was a few timezones behind in Kyoto, I was able to pre-order early on September 16th and received my iPhone on September 22nd. There was a little hiccup when the courier arrived while I was out getting coffee, so I had to pick up the package from their local depot.

I was very excited when I finally got my new iPhone 15 Pro. The unboxing experience was amazing, and it made me feel special. It took me a long time to decide to upgrade my iPhone, so this was a big moment and a big purchase for me. One of the things I really liked about the new iPhone was how easy it was to transfer everything from my old phone. The process was seamless and all my apps and settings were restored perfectly.

I don’t like the giant screen (and cost!) of Max iPhones, so I settled for the regular Pro. Coming from a smaller iPhone, regular size feels like Max anyway!

My favourite tiny feature is the Action button. I will blog about how I customized the Action button in a future post.

My iPhone 7 has been my companion through thick and thin. It has seen me through countless adventures, captured precious memories, and kept me connected with the world. But as awesome as it has been, the time had come for a technology leap especially since its camera is feeling outdated.

So here’s to bidding farewell to my iPhone 7 and saying hello to the iPhone 15 Pro!

P.S. Now, if only I could seamlessly transfer the “sentimental value” from my old iPhone to the new one… 😄


2 responses to “From iPhone 7 to iPhone 15 Pro”

  1. As I get older, I find the bigger screen has gone from being an indulgence to a necessity. And the higher contrast helps too.

    1. That’s a good point, Bill.

      I think it won’t be long before the Max screen becomes a need for me too!

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